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    1. Santander X Explorer



    3 minutes of reading

    Jessica Brown at Explorer's TalkX: "Taking care of yourself is the first step to entrepreneurship"

    1. Santander X Explorer

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    Among the highlights Jessica Brown left us with at Explorer’s TalkX was the advice that everyone should keep in mind when starting in entrepreneurship and that no one tells you about: taking care of yourself is the first step in your project.

    What was the best tip, the one we would highlight the most, of the almost 50 minutes we shared with Jessica Brown at Explorer’s TalkX? Although there were many “top” moments, we would like to highlight a fundamental piece of advice when starting and one that very few experts talk about: self-care, which is essential for entrepreneurial mental health.

    “In the early stages, it is essential to practice self-care; this is especially important for project founders. You have to create the right balance and find support in yourself,” Jessica said.

    The product designer at Faire, whose projects include selling second-hand clothing for women, confessed that during the pandemic, she realised that design gave her energy. That led to the second statement of a talk that focused on feelings (you know, then they say that the world of entrepreneurship is cold and calculating): “Listen to your inner voice“, and follow the dictates of your curiosity, Jessica advised.

    This tip has a double advantage: not only will you be happier, but also, “being clear with yourself will help you to be clear with others”, said our guest. In entrepreneurial parlance, that means you’ll explain things bluntly and precisely, saving you time in approaching your goals. Need help figuring out where to start? First, ask yourself, “what are you passionate about the problem you want to solve? Then take a look at this video for more tips:

    And sign up for Explorer, of course.


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