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    1. Santander X Explorer



    3 minutes of reading

    Find your narrative

    1. Santander X Explorer

    If you don’t know what theme to use in your story, here are six possibilities; use them depending on the stage of your project, your audience and what you want to get out of it.

    - Share your journey. As the creator of a startup, you’re doing something unique and inspiring: communicate your experiences, challenges, successes (and failures). This way, you’ll connect with potential customers on a personal level. Video content, blog posts, updating your company’s social media… use any of these mediums to reach that audience.

    - Highlight your values. Use storytelling to convey what you stand for with your project and why it matters. You can share, for example, the ideals that guide the decision-making process in the company or those that you aim to convey to users.

    - Use your customers as examples. Present real stories that show how your product or service has helped your users achieve a goal, solve a problem… This way, you’ll reveal the impact of your project.

    - Explain your product. Through storytelling, you can also explain how what you offer works. Create a story that clearly shows the method used to solve users’ pains; your audience will understand better and it will be easier for them to assess the usefulness of your idea.

    - Stand out among your competitors. Describe why your product is different from what your competitors offer or how your team’s experience and knowledge make you stand out in the market.

    - Inspire your colleagues. Lastly, storytelling also serves to motivate those who work with you: they are your greatest asset. Remind them how you’ve progressed thanks to their work or the way you’re improving the world.

    Photo by Piccoletti sandrine on Unsplash.


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