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    1. Santander X Explorer



    2 minutes of reading

    The green flushing comes to your toilet: GreenFlush crowdfunding campaign is up and running

    1. Santander X Explorer

    “GreenFlush is our response to the environmental crisis, starting with the most intimate of daily routines: our bathroom habits”. Nadja and Vonni, the Explorers behind the idea, have a very clear goal: to make a common gesture meaningful for the environment.

    To this end, they have designed a toilet hanger with a zero-waste philosophy, created to “leave no trace other than a refreshing scent”. The project, from the Goethe Universität Frankfurt (Germany), is one of the 20 chosen by a global jury to launch its crowdfunding campaign with the support of Santander X Explorer.

    This pioneering product “has been designed to elevate the bathroom hygiene experience while protecting the environment”, explain the company’s managers, who point out the differentiating points of their project: “ecological integrity, health-conscious composition and innovative fragrances.”

    GreenFlush’s users are anyone concerned about caring for their environment. “If you support us, you will not only be financing a product, but promoting a movement“, say its creators. Do you want to help? Find out all about their campaign here.

    To test whether your idea is a profitable project and also to launch your own crowdfunding campaign, pre-register for Santander X Explorer. Whatever happens, you will be connected forever with a global community of entrepreneurs and you will learn tools and resources that will accompany you throughout your professional life.


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